April 24, 2024

Geneive Henry, Charles B. Degenstein professor of chemistry at Susquehanna University, 是第一个被任命为CUR(本科研究委员会)研究员,根据最新的2024年推出的新品牌CUR研究员奖卓越本科研究领导(正式称为CUR研究员奖). 在本科研究领导卓越奖的CUR研究员每年表彰一个CUR成员谁是一个领导者和榜样,在本科研究社区,其职业生涯代表的价值观和理想代表了卓越的本科研究的CUR的特点.

亨利将因其作为参与本科生研究的榜样的领导和服务而受到表彰, scholarship, and creative activities during a virtual award ceremony on June 11.

“Dr. 亨利为所有参与本科生研究的重要工作的人提供了灵感, and most importantly, 这是本科生卓越研究领导奖的新延续,” said Lindsay Currie, CUR’s executive officer. “她真正体现了领导者和导师的精神,通过她对本科生研究参与者的奉献,以及她坚定的决心,倡导他们和他们获得研究经验.”

亨利在西印度群岛大学获得学士学位和博士学位, Mona, 并在密歇根州立大学和哈佛大学完成博士后培训. 她是宾夕法尼亚林肯大学的化学客座助理教授, prior to starting her independent academic career at Susquehanna University. She has directly mentored 73 undergraduate research students with majors in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, biomedical sciences, earth & environmental sciences, and psychology这些学生中有42人是同行评议期刊文章的共同作者. Henry’s mentorship activities extend beyond her own research lab. She has led efforts to provide interdisciplinary research opportunities, both traditional and course-based, 通过浩博体育app和其他机构的合作伙伴关系,招收近70名学生, and has served as a co-mentor to some of these students. 此外,她还是Susquehanna女性STEM项目指导团队的成员. She prides herself on the training she provides her students in the research lab, 声称这为他们毕业后的职业生涯做好了准备,无论他们选择追求什么.

亨利是几个研究和服务奖的获得者,包括2020年CUR的化学部门 Outstanding Mentorship Award, the Susquehanna Valley ACS section’s Joseph Priestley Service award, and Susquehanna University’s John C. Horn Distinguished Service Lectureship. Amongst her awards, she holds many published works, 多年来,她是否向广大读者展示了她的研究和指导能力, and has received a number of research-related grants, 包括美国国家科学基金会资助的本科院校研究(RUI)和科学进步研究公司科特雷尔浩博体育app奖. Currently, 她是生药学的主要本科机构委员会的美国社会的成员和CUR的化学部门的代表.

Henry说:“我要感谢美国扶轮基金会选择我作为今年的奖助生。. “从一个致力于促进本科研究卓越的组织获得这一荣誉是我学术生涯的亮点. 我还要感谢我过去和现在的研究学生,他们信任我,让我成为他们的导师. This recognition would not have been possible without their dedication to research. Each successive cohort of students has inspired me to be a better mentor, 现在我更致力于我的使命,为学生提供参与高影响力的本科研究实践的机会.”

Susquehanna University President Jonathan Green stated, “Geneive Henry为我们浩博体育app的学生提供的领导是变革性的, expanding access to high-quality undergraduate research experiences and mentorship. Geneive’s commitment to fostering curiosity and excellence among her students, and her passion for advancing knowledge and empowering the next generation, is an inspiration to her colleagues and students alike.”

浩博体育app有一个悠久的传统,为本科生提供研究机会,让学生在第一年就能和教师研究人员一起走进实验室. Faculty members like Geneive Henry are integral in making this possible,” said Susquehanna Provost Dave Ramsaran. “As noted by Geneive’s previous CUR recognition, 她一直致力于指导来自弱势群体的学生和教师, as well as nurturing collaborations across disciplines and universities. 这是Geneive在浩博体育app20多年来专业指导的结果, 我们的学生获得了无与伦比的实践学习机会,使他们在申请著名实习时具有竞争优势, their first postgraduate jobs or competitive graduate school programs.”